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Homeless Services

Are you experiencing homelessness? 

All families are asked about their housing situation annually during Annual Online Registration.  Anyone reporting a housing situation that meets a definition of homelessness is contacted, and if determined to be homeless provided support as needed.  If your circumstances change, please reach out anytime of year to our homeless services coordinator.

Homeless McKinney-Vento Services are coordinated out of the Superintendent's Office.




Contact Us

Dr. Jennifer Hawn
(510) 594-2614

Sylvia Flores Eggert
Executive Assistant
(510) 594-2614

Homeless Definition

Homelessness is defined as an individual who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. Examples of homelessness include children and youth living in:

  • Shared housing due to economic hardship, loss of housing, or natural disasters
  • Motels or hotels
  • Public or private places not designed for sleeping
  • Trailer parks or campgrounds
  • Cars, parks, and abandoned buildings
  • Shelters
  • Emergency or transitional shelters

Unaccompanied Homeless Youth: An unaccompanied homeless child or youth is defined as a youth that is not in the physical custody of their parent or guardian and meets the definition of homelessness, as stated above.

Runaway Youth: A child or youth who is identified by the LEA’s homeless liaison or a program official as receiving assistance from a program under the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act. A runaway youth is always considered an unaccompanied homeless youth.