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H1 - Piedmont School Improvement / Modernization Bond

H1 Bond

On June 22, 2016 the Piedmont Unified School District Board of Education voted unanimously to approve ballot language for a $66M facilities improvement bond for the November 8, 2016 ballot. 

PUSD's STEAM Building and Alan Harvey Theater project - made possible by 2016's voter-approved H1 Facilities Bond - on the campus of Piedmont High School, earned a 2023 Award of Merit in the 'Best Educational Project' category of the Pacific Coast Builders Conference Gold Nugget Awards. Congratulations to all the District's partners on the project and thank you to the Piedmont community for voting  to make these outstanding facilities available for our students. 

This webpage is intended to provide information on Measure H1, including an archive of reports and other documents relating to the measure.