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students with backpacks
image of witter field construction

The softball and hardball scoreboard foundations with new steel columns were installed this week.  The football scoreboard foundation still needs to be installed.  Tentatively the football scoreboard  work will start on Thursday, 11/9 and last though Monday, 11/13.  This work will limit access through the yellow gate/PE Hill.

Parking Updates:

Palm, Park, Winsor - Bothman would like the parking restrictions to remain in place at least through Friday, 10/20, due to more hauling away of the trench spoils and trucking in of drain rock backfill material for the storm drain work.  They are also expecting serveral large equipment deliveries this week.

El Cerrito - Bothman finished the Witter softball and hardball scoreboard foundation work last week and removed the no parking signs and lifted the parking restrictions on El Cerrito Ave.  Parking restrictions on El Cerrito will remain lifted next week, at least through next Friday, 10/20/23.  Tentatively the football scoreboard  work will start on Thursday, 11/9 and last though Monday, 11/13.  This work will affect parking on El Cerrito.

Witter construction completion date target is Monday January 8th, 2024, weather permitting.

Click here to see the full slideshow of the Witter Field Renovation project.



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