Work in Progress
As of Friday the bulk of the storm drain piping and electrical conduit have been installed on the field. Bothman has started spreading and laser leveling the existing pea gravel with a large bulldozer. Next week they will start installing the perimeter, surface trench drains along with the new goal post foundations, pole vault pit, LAX sleeves, and D-ring concrete. They have also started installing the new Field House walkway handrails. The scheduled completion date is weather dependent and it remains Monday, 1/8/24, after PUSD winter break.
Winsor driveway gate closure
The pedestrian access gate on the Winsor Avenue driveway, which many residents use to access the Piedmont Park off-leash dog area, will be closed for your safety during working hours: Monday-Friday from 7:30am to 4pm. The gate will be locked and chained during those periods. Please respect this closure since construction activity on the driveway could pose a safety hazard to pedestrians and dogs. We will keep the gate open for pedestrian access to the off-leash dog area outside of working hours and on weekends.
Drainage Calculations
A 54 page City approved encroachment permit and Verde Stormwater report was issued on 8/25/23. Per the City’s request, PUSD has reduced the peak flow rate for the Witter Field area by approximately 20%, largely by detaining the water in storm events in the subsurface piping and rock drainage profile.
Parking Updates
Palm, Park View, upper Winsor - Parking restrictions will remain in place next week on Palm, upper Winsor and parts of Park View. Bothman is stating the restrictions need to remain due to the frequent trucking of materials (trench spoils out, drain rock in) and the large equipment deliveries. Pete Palmer will provide an update no later than next Friday, 10/27, and advise if parking restrictions can be lifted the following week.
El Cerrito - Parking restrictions remain lifted on El Cerrito. The tentative schedule when parking restrictions will be reinstated on El
Cerrito are Thursday 11/9 through Tuesday 11/14. The restrictions will be needed to accommodate the drill rig and concrete and material delivery trucks for the installation of the football scoreboard foundation and steel columns.
The District remains committed to providing regular updates to the community regarding the Witter Field renovation. We understand that construction is inconvenient, and disruptive and appreciate your continued patience, understanding, and cooperation as we complete this important project.
Click here to see the full slideshow of the Witter Field Renovation project.
Click here to see Pete Palmer's full project update as of 10-20-23.
More News
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