At its March 8th meeting, the Piedmont Unified Board of Education:
Approved Appointment of Dr. Jennifer Hawn as New Superintendent - After a nationwide search and extensive community engagement, the Piedmont Board of Education has selected Dr. Jennifer Hawn to serve as the District’s next Superintendent. The appointment will be effective July 1, 2023, under the terms of a three-year contract. Read more about Dr. Hawn on the District website. Appointment starts at 32:00 of meeting video.
Received Presentation on Progress on LCAP Goal 3, focused on DEI - The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) is a district-level plan that describes how students will meet annual state and local goals. The LCAP Advisory Committee, consisting of members from district partners, district leaders and building level school site teams, provides consultation, review and feedback on the LCAP 3-year plan. The alignment and targeted focus has created consistent actions, aligned professional learning and commitments district-wide. Goal 3 focuses on the strategies that support both students and staff to be successful. It is divided into three focus areas: (1) Professional Learning, (2) Communication and Collaboration and (3) Teaching and Learning Experiences of Students and Staff. This evening’s presentation concentrated on strategies focused on the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts. View slide deck. Presentation starts at 59:00 of meeting video.
Approved and Adopted Resolution 13-2022-23 Recognizing March as Women's History Month
Reviewed First Reading, High School History-Social Science Instructional Materials - The Board was presented with instructional materials that high school history-social science teachers recommend for adoption for modern world history, U.S. history (college prep and advanced placement), civics, and economics. Read full background and view slide deck.
Reviewed The 2022-23 Second Interim Financial Report Of The District; Determine A Qualified Certification Signifying That The District May Not Meet Its Financial Obligations For The Current Year And Subsequent Two Fiscal Years; Adopt Resolution 14-2022-23 Recognizing The Need For Budget Adjustments In Fiscal Year 2023-24 And Beyond; And Authorize Appropriate Budget Transfers - The PUSD Board of Education received a presentation on the District's Second Interim Budget Report, providing an update of actual expenditures and revenues through January 31, 2023, and a projection of budget adjustments necessary to close out the fiscal year. The Second Interim also includes a multiyear projection (MYP) that shapes the budget development process for 2023-24. Read full background, read full report and view presentation slide deck. Presentation starts at 2:33:00 of meeting video.
Approved and Adopted Resolution 15-2022-23 - Reduction in Employment - Read full background.
Reviewed First Reading, 2023-24 Board Meeting Schedule
Approved Resolution 16-2022-23 - Revised Declaration of Need of Fully Qualified Educators
Next Regular Board Meeting - Wednesday, March 22, 2023, 7:00pm
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