At its February 8th meeting, the Piedmont Unified Board of Education:
Received Dyslexia Screener Process and Results Presentation - Dyslexia involves deficits in one or some of the following literacy skills: phonological awareness (sound structure), phonemic awareness (sound manipulation), phonological memory (coding in short term memory), rapid naming (from long term memory), and expressive and receptive language which can negatively impact a student’s self-concept. Most students with dyslexia are educated in the general education environment. School districts are expected to create a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) that addresses the needs of a wide range of students with reading difficulties. MTSS is an instructional framework through which schools can identify students who are suspected to have a specific learning disability, such as dyslexia. Once identified as at-risk, students are provided with evidence-based interventions and their reading progress is monitored regularly. Although California school districts have been told that there will be direction from the California Department of Education on a state dyslexia screener, no concrete information has been provided to date; therefore, PUSD purchased a dyslexia screener, DIBELS 8th edition, and developed a process of screening students in grades K-3. Read full background and view slidedeck. Presentation starts at 36:20 of meeting video.
Approved Resolution 12-2022-23 Recognizing February As Black History Month
Approved Comprehensive Safe School Plans - Read plans for Tri-Schools, Middle School, High Schools, District Office.
Conducted Public Hearing For 2023-26 Contract Successor Agreement Between The District And The Association Of Piedmont Teachers; Sunshine Articles To Be Negotiated - The District has Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA) with two employee groups. The Association of Piedmont Teachers (APT) represents certificated employees and the California School Employees Association (CSEA) represents classified employees in the District. The 2020-2023 CBA agreement between the District and APT expires on June 30, 2023. The collective bargaining process between the District and APT includes the opportunity for the public to comment on any issues that are covered by the CBA. The CBAs are posted on the District website at: www.piedmont.k12.ca.us. The community may send input to the Interim Superintendent, at devans@piedmont.k12.ca.us, on any portion of either agreement. As part of the process, the articles to be opened for discussion must be “sunshined” at a public hearing during a Regular Board meeting to provide an opportunity for public comment for the Board to consider in providing direction to the negotiating team for the District. Read full background.
Next Regular Board Meeting - Wednesday, March 8, 2023, 7:00pm
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