At its April 4th meeting, the Piedmont Unified Board of Education:
Received Presentation on Progress of LCAP Goal 2 - Actions Related To Multi-Tiered Systems Of Support For English Language Arts - PUSD staff provided an update on progress made on the action items in LCAP Goal 2 for Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) for English Language Arts. Read full background and view slidedeck. Presentation starts at 34:00 of meeting video.
Discussed Student Board Member Election Process for 2023-24 School Year - In June 2022, the School Board received a student-initiated petition to add a seat for a student board member with preferential voting privileges. Students expressed an interest in having a more “impactful” role that would allow for student voice to be heard in all matters brought before the Board. A proposal to revise Board Bylaw 9150 was formally presented as a first reading on 8/10/22 and then the Board voted to adopt the new policy on 8/24/22. For the 2022-2023 school year, the board prescribed a process to appoint student board members from MHS and PHS who were 11th or 12th-graders in good standing for a one-year term. Interested candidates were required to complete an application form, respond to five questionnaire prompts, and submit two letters of recommendations and a transcript of grades. A committee of district leaders reviewed applications, interviewed semi-finalists, and then recommended finalists to the Board. Board members interviewed the finalists and decided to appoint three student board members to share the one-year term. Students board members for 2023-2024 and subsequent school years will be selected by the student body at MHS and PHS. A process for making these selections will be determined by the Board. Read full background.
Approved and Adopted Resolution 17-2022-23 Declare Gun Violence As a Public Health Crisis.
Conducted Public Hearing For The 2023-2026 Contract Successor Agreement Between The District And The California School Employees Association (CSEA), Chapter 60; And Sunshine Articles To Be Negotiated - Read full background.
Next Regular Board Meeting - Wednesday, April 26, 2023, 7:00pm
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