At its April 26 meeting, the Piedmont Unified Board of Education:
Received Presentation of 2023-24 Local Control Accountability Plan Highlights - The 2023-24 LCAP is the district’s strategic plan for the third year of the current 3-year LCAP cycle. Very few changes are being recommended for year 3. Updated language is being written to provide more clarification on several of the actions that will continue to be implemented next year. Assistant Superintendent, Dr. Cheryl Wozniak presented highlights of the actions for 2023-24 for public review and discussion before the final draft of the LCAP is presented over two readings in June. Read full background & view slidedeck. Presentation begins at 40:30 of meeting video.
Approved Appointment of Melissa Daymond as Wildwood Elementary School Principal - The Board unanimously approved the appointment of Melissa Daymond as new Principal of Wildwood Elementary School. Ms. Daymond will replace the retiring Carol Cramer on July 1, 2023. Read full background and news release.
Approved and Adopted Resolution 18-2022-23 Recognizing May as Jewish-American Heritage Month
Approved and Adopted Resolution 19-2022-23 Recognizing May as Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Received Update on Title IX Gender Equity in Athletics - After engaging in a gender equity audit of the high school athletic program last year, a taskforce of staff, students and parents identified findings disadvantaging girls in participation equity and in benefits accrued to athletes. Actions were identified in response, as well as improvements to monitoring and reporting. Director of Instructional Technology/Title IX Compliance Officer, Stephanie Griffin, and Piedmont High School Athletic Director, Bradley Smet, updated the board on progress towards eliminating the 55 participation player slots and outline next steps, including adding Girl's Flag Football as a sport in the fall of 2023. The analysis of benefits accrued to athletics will not be compiled until spring sports conclude and will be presented in the Fall. Read full background & view slidedeck. Presentation begins at 1:40:30 of meeting video.
Next Regular Board Meeting - Wednesday, May 10, 2023, 7:00pm
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