Board of Education
A five-member Board of Education oversees the District. The members are elected at-large and serve for a maximum of two consecutive, four-year terms. Board Members are accessible to the community and integrate public input into their deliberations and decision-making. The Board acts in the best interests of all students, reviews and approves the budget, authorizes expenditures, employs the Superintendent, and develops local education vision, district goals, and policy within the limits of the State Education Code.
Email the school board:
Lindsay Thomasson, President
Ruchi Medhekar, Vice President
Michael Malione
Max Roman
Susy Struble
Student Board Member
Student Board Member
Student Board Member
Student Board Member
Board Resources
Meeting Calendar
Board Agendas and MinutesRegular Board Meeting Agendas are published at least 72 hours before a scheduled meeting in accordance with Government Code 54957.5
Live-Streamed Meetings and Video Archive
Contact Us
Lindsay Thomasson
Board President
(510) 594-2614
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
(510) 594-2614
All written communication to the Board, and District email addresses, are subject to the Freedom of Information Act and the California Public Records Act. Copies, with some exceptions, will be made available upon request from the public.