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Non-Resident Transfers

Students coding robot mice

Inter-District Transfer Permits are required for all students residing outside of Piedmont city limits*, who wish to attend a school in Piedmont Unified School District.

* California Education Code requires approval from your District of Residence if you wish to attend a public school district outside your district of residence, regardless if your child does not attend a district school.

See below for the process of applying if you live outside of Piedmont.


Inter-District Transfer Process





2025-2026 Update

Please be advised that the interdistrict transfer application window will open March 3. 

2024-25 Inter-district Transfers

Please be advised that the interdistrict transfer application window is closed for the 2024-25 school year.  No space is available for additional students at this time.  The open enrollment window for 2025-26 begins March 3, 2025.

Inter-District Transfer Priorities

Inter-District permit requests are approved based on space availability and the following priorities in BP/AR 5117:

1st Priority: Parents Constructing or Remodeling a Home in Piedmont

2nd Priority: High School Juniors and Seniors Who Have Moved Out of the District

3rd Priority: Children of Piedmont Unified School District Employees

4th Priority: Children of the City of Piedmont Government Employees

5th Priority: Children of the Piedmont Education Foundation (PEF) Director

6th Priority: Children Residing on Calvert Court and Oakland Parcels on Somerset Road

7th Priority: Residences on Approved Split Parcel Properties with any portion of the residence on the Piedmont Parcel

8th Priority: GrandParent – Grandchild of an Individual(s) who lives within the boundaries of PUSD

9th Priority: Approved Split Parcels with Oakland Address and Adjoining Minor Piedmont Parcel

10th Priority: All Other Applicants

Transfer FAQs

Courtyard at Havens Elementary School.
entrance to library at Beach School
New STEAM building at Piedmont High School
Main entrance at Wildwood Elementary School.
Exterior of new ALan Harvey Theater at Piedmont High School.
Courtyard at Piedmont Middle School.
Basketball court at Binks Rawlings gymnasium at Piedmont High School.
Nighttime 50-yard line photo of Witter Field and bleachers.
Daytime photo of Witter Field.
Interior photo of seating at new Alan Harvey Theater.
Witter Field Renovation Work Photo December 22, 2023

Intra-district Transfers

Intra-district transfers in Piedmont may take place between the three elementary schools, and also between the Piedmont High School and Millennium High School. At the elementary level, a Request Form for Intra-District Transfer is available from  the school Principal’s office. The form should be completed and returned to the school principal’s office that serves the zone in which the student lives. For intra-district transfers at the high school level, please contact the site administrator.

A student may be assigned to a school or program if the student requires a legally mandated program or accommodation which is available at that school or program. A student may be assigned to a school or program for disciplinary reasons or for the protection of the health and safety of that student or other students or employees of the district.