Academic Performance
These reports provide grade level, school, and District-wide performance data that reflect the achievements and accomplishments of Piedmont students. Each year, the District, school sites, teachers, and the Board review a variety of data points in order to form District goals, single plans for student achievement, and programming decisions. Below are reports that provide the broad educational community with a view of how our students are performing on measures of academic achievement. In addition, teachers and principals are reviewing curriculum based and grade level benchmark achievement assessments that inform instruction for individuals and groups of students.
State CAASPP results are viewable at
School Accountability Report Cards
School Accountability Report Cards, or 'SARCS,' are posted each year by February 1st reporting on the previous school year. They contain a variety of information points on each school, including achievement and school climate data.
California Healthy Kids Surveys
The California Healthy Kids Survey is a climate perception survey required by the state in grades 5, 7, 9 and 11 every other year. At its core, the survey asks questions about school connectedness, safety, school climate and culture and learning engagement. Additional modules, focused on health and wellness, are added at the secondary level.
- Survey information and links to question sets in English and Spanish can be explored at the links below:
Grade 5-6: Core
Grades 7-8: Core, Behavioral Health Module, Tobacco Module, Closing the Achievement Gap Module
Grades 9-12: Core, Behavioral Health Module, Tobacco Module, Closing the Achievement Gap Module, Sexual Attitudes and Behavior Module
- Results from 2024
- 9-12th report part 1, part 2;
- 6th-8th report part 1, part 2;
- 5th full report,
- School Climate Report Cards
- Staff Survey results
- Parent Survey results
- Results from 2023
- Previous years' results are publicly available at